
Surveys and Mapping Department

National Geodetic Portal
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A new geoid model for Uganda has been computed from new gravity data measured in 2020.

The new geoid model – UGEOID2020A – is expected to have an accuracy of 3-5 cm across much of Uganda, and is tailored to match the existing height system of Uganda through precise GPS survey of 7 primary levelling survey markers, fitting these points with an error of 2 cm r.m.s. The new geoid is based on the airborne survey data, the latest satellite data from the ESA GOCE mission through the global reference gravity field model XGM2019, terrain data from the Tandem-X satellite mission, as well as available gravity field data in the surrounding countries.


UGEOID2020A – new geoid of Uganda from airborne survey. Contour interval 20 cm.